Parent Alert | March 2021 The “Safety” of Vaping Marijuana: Are the Rumors True?

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Rumor #1: Vaping is a safe alternative to smoking.

This is a false claim. Scientific research is very clear: Vaping is highly addictive and damages the body and the brain, especially in youth.

In fact, some studies suggest that vaping marijuana can actually be harder on our lungs than vaping other substances—yes, even nicotine! To learn more, you can listen to an expert in this short sound clip:

Rumor #2: You can't get addicted to marijuana.This rumor is also untrue, especially considering that the amount of THC—the addictive component in marijuana—continues to drastically increase, making the substance even more potent. Sadly, many vapers who think marijuana is risk free end up developing a Substance Use Disorder.
This information is provided by Prevention Action Alliance
Rumor #3: You can't overdose on marijuana.Since dying from marijuana misuse is rare, many people believe overdose is impossible. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Find out more in this short myth-buster fact sheet:
Considering that we're living through a pandemic that seriously affects the lungs, the situation becomes even more concerning. Youth who vape marijuana (or any other substance) are more likely to contract Covid; and if they do, they are also more likely to experience severe symptoms.The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the FDA are working together on an ongoing study, PATH, regarding the effects of tobacco use. The research includes adults and youth who vape nicotine. You can learn more about the study, including the demographic diversity represented, on their website:
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How Do I Talk to My Kids?

The "Talk, They'll Listen" campaign prioritizes relationship building between adults and youth. Whether it's spending time as a family, showing an interest in your kids' hobbies, or chatting about their day, developing trust will help them feel more comfortable asking you for help when they need it.
This graphic is provided by Prevention Action Alliance
Youth often fear they will be punished, misunderstood, or judged if they come to an authority figure with a question or problem. It is our responsibility as adults to alleviate those fears by being approachable, attentive, and non-judgmental.It can feel overwhelming to initiate these conversations, but studies show that youth do listen when we talk with them, as long as they can tell we care. If you're in need of a little direction, just keep reading.
Visit the Wayne County Coalitions website for helpful resources on how to talk to youth about substances. SAMHSA also has plenty of practical articles like "Answering your child's tough questions," "How to tell if your child is drinking alcohol," and "Why small conversations make a big impression." You can view all these and more on their website.
Don't wait to talk with the youth in your life about substances. They need your guidance.
Additionally, you can find substance abuse prevention and treatment information for parents at the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine website. You'll see a list of treatment services and support groups for those who need immediate help.Prevention Action Alliance sends out regular "Know!" tips for parents about prevention. You can sign up for them here. They also have relevant marijuana fact sheets available for download.
If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health or substance misuse, get help now:
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