Introducing the Kindness Campaign: January 3—February 4, 2022

Turning Point Coalition has finished Orrville’s Inaugural Kindness Campaign, assisted by their Youth Coalition, RAPA (Riders Are Peer Advocates)! Our event ran from Monday, January 3rd through Friday, February 4th, 2022.

During the Campaign, Orrville students, teachers, staff, parents, and businesses tracked nearly 450 acts of kindness in just 5 weeks! Our RAPA members blanketed the schools and the streets with banners, posters, and signs about being kind. We appreciate the businesses that put up signs in their windows to show their support for this Campaign. The mayor also issued a proclamation regarding our campaign! We were glad for the support of city council.

As a Grand Act of Kindness from Turning Point Coalition, we thanked each school for their participation by giving them a special gift. Orrville High School received free cupcakes for each student and staff member. Orrville Middle School enjoyed an inflatable obstacle course during their recess time, and Orrville Elementary School spent part of a school morning at the High School auditorium for a magic show! One elementary student said, “That show made me feel so magical!”

We hope this Kindness Campaign boosted the Orrville spirit and encouraged everyone to continue showing kindness—a hallmark of a healthy, happy community. We look forward to having more Kindness Campaigns in the future!

Kindness Campaign Flyer (5 x 7 in) final
Kindness Campaign Flyer Spanish (5 x 7 in)
BeKind logo
Turning Point Coalition 9.11.2020
IMG_4078 (1)

Turning Point Coalition of Orrville be kicking off 2022 with a Kindness Campaign assisted by their Youth Coalition, RAPA (Riders Are Peer Advocates). This initiative will help showcase the positive community norms happening in Orrville, and we want to give our young people the opportunity to be kind and see kindness all around them.


All students will receive a free “Be Kind” water bottle, and school staff will receive a travel mug. Look for signs around the community as the campaign begins! During the month, students will be tracking acts of kindness in their classes on paper hearts. The student body will receive a grand Act of Kindness gift from Turning Point Coalition after the campaign, and the grade with the most acts of kindness will receive a special prize. We will be updating our website and Facebook page as the campaign approaches.


Your friends at Turning Point Coalition & RAPA


How small, everyday acts of kindness can change the world



Did you know that being kind positively affects the health of you and others?


More information:

All Orrville students, teachers, and community members: Track acts of kindness using the form below!