Parent Alert Special Edition – OneEighty Women’s Residential Treatment Facility

Parent Alert
Special Edition
OneEighty Women’s Residential Treatment Facility
OneEighty is pleased to announce the opening of our new OneEighty Women’s Residential Treatment Facility. The OneEighty Women’s Residential Treatment Facility is certified by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services to provide treatment for substance use disorders in a residential setting. The treatment program teaches clients recovery tools for long-term sobriety, and to assist clients in their transition back into the community.
The new facility, constructed by Campbell Construction, is located at 2177 Noble Drive, on land donated by the Noble Foundation. OneEighty Campaign for Recovery which includes the new Residential Treatment Center for Women, a Recovery Medical Center at OneEighty Main Office (completion in 2021) and Community Room received over $1,000,000 of their funding from donations provided by local businesses and individuals. The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services with the help of Wayne Holmes Mental Health Recovery Board provided a grant of $500,000. The Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati awarded a $360,000 grant to the project.
The new women’s facility will be able to accommodate 16 women and room for 8 children. OneEighty is a dynamic, integrated health system operating multiple facilities and six major service programs: Addiction Services, Mental Health Services, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services, Rape Crisis Center, Housing and Supportive Services and Prevention and Education Services.
OneEighty Women's Residential Treatment Facility ribbon cutting
OneEighty Women's Residential Treatment Facility-dining and kitchen area
OneEighty Women's Residential Treatment Facility-common area
OneEighty Women's Residential Treatment Facility-play room
Photo credit: Wooster Area Chamber of Commerce