Turning Point Times Spring 2023

RAPA Teen Institute Successes

RAPA (Riders Are Peer Advocates) Teen Institute has been busy since the last publication of Turning Point Times.  They have been a part of four events in the community and in the high school including Trunk or Treat, Haunted Halls, Home for the Holidays, and a Valentine's Day fundraising event.  Events like these give students an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of keeping youth substance free.  The positive impacts that they had in the first half of the school year built a foundation for them to finish the year strong with more presentations at the middle school, Pizza & Books with the library, and activities during prom week.
RAPA Valentine's Day Event
Our annual Pizza & Books event will be held at Orrville Public Library on Thursday, April 21st from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

This FREE, family-friendly event is open to all ages and will be filled with fun activities. Pizza, drinks, and other treats are part of the celebration. While supplies last, each middle school student will receive one FREE book recommended by library staff for summer reading.

Pizza & Books exists to remind families about the importance of spending quality family time together, which both strengthens family bonds and protects against risky behaviors. Reading is critical to child development and gives parents a good way to connect with youth by talking about stories and books.

The Orrville Public Library and Turning Point Coalition (TPC) will co-host this event. TPC is a community-based volunteer organization that works to create an environment that will help keep youth alcohol, tobacco, and drug free.

For more information about Pizza & Books or Turning Point Coalition, contact Robert Bean at beanr@one-eighty.org or visit us at TurningPointCoalition.com

RAPA Goes to Washington!


Six RAPA students had the opportunity to attend the 2023 CADCA National Leadership Forum in Washington D.C.  Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) is an international organization that supports 5,000 community coalitions including Turning Point Coalition.  They support these groups by providing trainings, resources, and materials to assist coalitions in their prevention efforts.  The National Leadership Forum provides the opportunity to hear from leaders in the prevention field, attend trainings with prevention professionals, and even opportunities to speak with members of Congress about issues in the community.

RAPA students were able to attend classes about many different topics in the prevention field, and were able to interact with youth from around the country during those sessions.  Session topics included the dangers of drugs like marijuana and fentanyl, how social media is having an impact on youth, leadership training, communication and outreach, and how to be culturally inclusive in prevention efforts.  One of RAPA's members was able to speak with U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown's aide about the work RAPA is doing in Orrville.  This was an incredible opportunity for everyone because we were able to talk about prevention work in Ohio, share RAPA's successes, and thank a member of Congress for the funding that makes all of the work RAPA Teen Institute and Turning Point Coalition does possible.  RAPA students wrote letters to Turning Point Coalition about the experiences this trip provided, and here is what they said:

Amy- "When it came to the sessions, it was interesting because sometimes I would lose interest when it came to the adults talking, but whenever it came to younger people talking to us, it felt more relatable and more entertaining."

Sara- "This experience has further strengthened my desire to help others and pursue a social work degree as I go on to college next year."

Valeria- "On our last day we had a session where they talked about #clearingtheair. This session was about miscommunications in our communities about marijuana. This session was one of my favorite sessions by far because of the interaction by the youth leader. Her name is Trinity Murrary, and she did an amazing job in letting others speak about their experiences with drug abuse in their schools."

Lillian- "The difference between how youth and adults perceive issues, along with how different people from different states and schools do so, was truly eye-opening and has changed my outlook in many different areas of my own life."

Ben- "The sessions taught me to open my eyes to things that I wouldn't have noticed or paid attention to before the trip. It was nice to see other people and talk to them. It feels nice to know that there's someone else out there that understands what we're doing and trying to accomplish in our schools."

James- "The thing I cared about most was the topic on fentanyl. It is a danger people need to be aware of so they can ensure the protection of their schools and communities."

RAPA Member Valeria Speaking Senator's Aide

Meeting Times

All Turning Point Coalition meetings are:
When: The second Friday of the month at 8:30 AM
Where:  Orrville High School Board of Ed and Zoom

Upcoming meetings

Friday, April 14 @ 8:30 AM
Friday, May 12 @ 8:30 AM
Friday, June 9 @ 8:30 AM

To receive the Zoom link, message us on Facebook or email CoalitionsCommunication@gmail.com

Community Speakers at Meetings

October: Gayle Byrne, Coordinated Community Response Specialist at OneEighty, spoke about intimate partner violence.

November: Two of Orrville's sophomore students discussed what they have accomplished this year as a part of RAPA Teen Institute.

January: Misty Hanson, Chief Probation Officer at Wayne County Juvenile Court, discussed the process for how the court handles juvenile cases.

February: Rochelle Renninger, Medical & Faith Based Liaison at OneEighty, spoke about bringing alcohol misuse awareness to communities that can be hard to reach.

Upcoming Speakers
April: Amanda Nickles, Youth Mentoring & Prevention Specialist at OneEighty, will be speaking about the work she does with students in Wayne County.