News & Events

The TPC Story – Turning Point Times (May 2020)

By turningpc | June 1, 2020

The TPC Story Turning Point Coalition (TPC) was launched in 2004 by a group of concerned citizens working to help create a community environment where youth strive to be alcohol, tobacco, and drug free. Sixteen years later, the Coalition continues its mission with education, information, and advocacy. Parents Who Host Lose the Most Campaign Each…

Parent Alert May 2020

By turningpc | May 8, 2020

Parents Who Host Lose the Most Celebrating Graduation During Covid-19 Each year, we re-launch our Parents Who Host Lose the Most campaign, reminding parents of graduating Seniors about the dangers of hosting parties that serve alcohol to underage youth. This year, however, with the Covid-19 outbreak, we’re taking a slightly different approach. Graduation is usually…

Parenting in the time of COVID-19

By turningpc | April 17, 2020

To help parents interact constructively with their children during this time of confinement, these six one-page tips for parents cover planning one-on-one time, staying positive, creating a daily routine, avoiding bad behavior, managing stress, and talking about COVID-19. Use them to your and your kids’ advantage, and have fun in doing so. Click the link…

Parent Alert | Beware False Claims

By turningpc | April 5, 2020

Parent Alert | April 2020 | Beware False Claims Does Cannabis Kill Coronavirus? Knowing the difference between facts and opinions Recently, USA Today posted an article that cited former NFL player Kyle Turley’s take on the Coronavirus. He stated that cannabis is a sure-fire way to survive this epidemic. Social media eats up these types of…

Prevention Action Alliance

By turningpc | March 6, 2020

Leading healthy communities in the prevention of substance misuse and the promotion of mental health wellness.   Facebook Link

Parent Alert | Coronavirus

By turningpc | March 5, 2020

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Parent Alert February 2020

By turningpc | February 21, 2020

Parent Alert February 2020 Fentanyl Fentanyl has been in the news a lot recently, and some of us are wondering what exactly it is and why it’s so dangerous. Because parents play such a critical role in substance use prevention, it’s important for them to be informed so they can help their kids make safe decisions.…

Parent Alert Special Edition – OneEighty Women’s Residential Treatment Facility

By turningpc | February 10, 2020

Parent Alert Special Edition OneEighty Women’s Residential Treatment Facility OneEighty is pleased to announce the opening of our new OneEighty Women’s Residential Treatment Facility. The OneEighty Women’s Residential Treatment Facility is certified by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services to provide treatment for substance use disorders in a residential setting. The treatment program…

Parent Alert December 2019

By turningpc | December 19, 2019

Parent Alert November 2019

By turningpc | November 7, 2019

This publication is developed, in part, under grant number SP020543 from the Office of National Drug Control Policy and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The views, policies and opinions expressed are those of the Coalition and do not necessarily reflect those of ONDCP, SAMHSA or HHS.Â